Learn pages describe best practices and programs to prevent and reduce the impact of substance use and substance use disorder that have been adapted for rural communities. These pages feature resources—evidence, videos, webinars, trainings, articles, and various tools—to help rural communities select and implement practices that support their efforts and goals.
Overview of Resources and Programs

Developing a Rural Community Approach to Overcoming Stigma
The goal of Community Conversations on Opioid Use Disorder workshops is to shed light on substance use disorder-related stigma as a barrier to recovery and to collaborate with rural communities to develop local solutions that reduce it.

Reducing Stigma Related to SUD in Rural Care Settings
This campaign aims to promote a stigma-free care environment while connecting individuals and families with treatment resources. It includes posters featuring people in recovery and emergency department providers who care for patients with substance use disorder. QR codes on the posters link to short videos with these individuals' stories.

Increasing Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment Engagement
This program aims to increase treatment engagement by equipping rural providers to help patients identify negative beliefs and see treatment from a different perspective. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Treatment Seeking is a one-session intervention delivered via telehealth. A provider works with a patient to identify thoughts that are serving as barriers to treatment and help them modify those thoughts to increase the likelihood they will seek treatment.

Increasing Awareness to Save Lives
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, launched in July 2022, provides a fast way for people experiencing a suicidal, mental health, or substance use disorder (SUD) crisis to urgently get help. Our resource page provides details about the Lifeline for rural communities specifically. The toolkit contains an array of posters to help communities spread the word.

Behavioral Health Care Managers
To help rural primary care practices provide more comprehensive care to patients they serve, we highlight the role of the Behavioral Health Care Manager (BHCM) on this resource page. We have drawn upon best practices and learnings from the Collaborative Care Model of behavioral health integration and adapted the BHCM role to make it a practical approach for providers in rural communities.

National Rural Substance Use Disorder Health Equity and Stigma Summit
Presentations, recordings, and articles are available from our three-day Taking Action National Rural Substance Use Disorder Health Equity and Stigma Summit held in May 2022. Speakers shared shared perspectives and discussed solutions on how to overcome stigma and health inequity to more effectively address the SUD crisis in rural communities.

Preventing Overdose from Combined Substances
The aim of this resource page is to provide rural communities—including health and human services providers, individuals with substance use disorder, their families and friends, and local leaders—with convenient, evidence-based tools to use and share to address risks related to polysubstance use.

Building a System of Care for Substance Use Disorder in Rural Communities
This resource page describes the approach we have used In the Appalachian region of New York State to create broader access to and community-wide support for best practices in opioid use disorder treatment. It may be a helpful framework for other rural communities.

Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder in Primary Care
We have developed comprehensive training on the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) in primary care to support providers and staff in rural areas as they deliver evidence-based care to patients. The free training carries continuing education credits.

Training to Address Opioid-Related Suicide Risk in Rural Communities
This SafeSide Prevention training program provides comprehensive, video-based education and training to help health care workers, human services professionals, and their partners in rural communities address suicide risk.

Improving Access to and Engagement Into Care Upon Release From Incarceration
Transitions Clinic Network programs—featured here through a video series and toolkit—address the high rates of overdose mortality and other health risks people recently released from incarceration face. A primary care practice that implements a program provides care for chronic health conditions including substance use disorder upon release. A community health worker with a history of incarceration is a key member of the team, connecting with patients and helping them navigate services in the community.

Rural Opioid and Direct Support Services (ROADSS)
In the Rural Opioid and Direct Support Services program, rural communities form partnerships with opioid treatment programs located outside the immediate area and use telehealth to bring treatment and recovery support closer to home for people with opioid use disorder. This page features a video overview of the program, implementation packet, and more.