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RCORP - Rural Center of Excellence on SUD Prevention

How Nicotine Affects Your Brain


Read about the Addressing Rural Adolescent E-cigarette Use project.


Resources to help quit vaping

Digital Quitting Program (Truth Initiative)

Vaping and E-cigarettes: Quitting, Resources, Facts (New York State Quitline)

Stop Smoking/Vaping (Center for Community Health and Prevention, University of Rochester)

Alternative text describing imagery

A person's head appears. Circular Ns, representing nicotine, stream into the brain. The figure puffs on an e-cigarette, and Ns spread throughout the brain. Blue circles emit from nicotine molecules into the brain. A dopamine starburst appears. Icons representing concentration, memory, mood appear. A blue figure does a happy dance. 

Rs representing receptors absorb multiple Ns for nicotine. The figure vapes while nicotine floods the brain. Weeks pass on the calendar. The figure shows nausea, irritability, headache, and suffering. The screen fills with nine head figures vaping.

The brain appears on screen with nicotine molecules dissipating. Helpful resources for quitting nicotine appear. A link to the project website and references are provided.


Hartmann-Boyce, J., Chepkin, S. C., Ye, W., Bullen, C., & Lancaster, T. (2018). Nicotine replacement therapy versus control for smoking cessationThe Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews5(5), CD000146. 

Hsia, S. L., Myers, M. G., & Chen, T. C. (2017). Combination nicotine replacement therapy: Strategies for initiation and taperingPreventive Medicine97, 45–49. 

Hurst D. (2015). Nicotine lozenges and behavioural interventions may help smokeless tobacco users to quitEvidence-based Dentistry16(4), 104–105. 

Prochaska, J. J., & Benowitz, N. L. (2019). Current advances in research in treatment and recovery: Nicotine addictionScience Advances5(10), eaay9763. 

Siu, A. L., & U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (2015). Behavioral and pharmacotherapy interventions for tobacco smoking cessation in adults, including pregnant women: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statementAnnals of Internal Medicine163(8), 622–634. 

Wadgave, U., & Nagesh, L. (2016). Nicotine replacement therapy: An overviewInternational Journal of Health Sciences10(3), 425–435.