Opioid use disorder (OUD) and overdose deaths have been on the rise along with suicides in a disturbing escalation of “deaths of despair” occurring across the country. White, non-college-educated, working-class males have been hit hardest with many living in rural areas confronting a drastically changed rural economy. The strong interplay between OUD and suicide means suicide prevention is a key component of OUD treatment. However, rural communities sometimes do not have the resources, personnel, or infrastructure to develop comprehensive programs.
UR Medicine Recovery Center of Excellence has partnered with SafeSide Prevention to provide program-development assistance and workforce education to organizations interested in suicide-prevention initiatives.
SafeSide Prevention has developed an evidence-based framework of best practices to address suicide risk in OUD populations. SafeSide provides comprehensive, video-based education and training programs to ensure health care workers, human services professionals, and their partners in rural communities can successfully implement the framework.
The SafeSide educational model combines the convenience of online video training with group learning and ongoing access to instructors. The three components of the program are:
- Video-guided instruction and demonstration: Video modules designed for small-group or individual training that teach and demonstrate the systematic framework for suicide prevention. Always-available modules allow for flexible and convenient scheduling for workforce teams.
- Community of practice: Access and direct connection to a global professional network to ask questions, share resources, and receive advice and feedback. And monthly live office hours enable participants to interact with SafeSide faculty in real time.
- Tools and refreshers: All resources are updated regularly with evolving practices and the latest research and regulation in behavioral health. Materials are available on-demand 24/7.
SafeSide Prevention provides a single, clearly articulated organizational framework and robust workforce training to inspire confidence and competence in individuals and organizations striving to reduce suicide risk in OUD patients in rural communities.
More on this suicide prevention training program is coming soon. Please contact program assistance to learn more.
Learn more about Training to Address Opioid - Related Suicide Risk in Rural Communities